Wednesday, May 16, 2007

If a musician plays, and no one listens.....

A few weeks ago I came across an interesting article in the Washington Post about world-class violinist Joshua Bell who played for 45 minutes during the morning rush in the DC metro L'Enfant Plaza station. The question posed in the article is interesting: "Each passerby had a quick choice to make, one familiar to commuters in any urban area where the occasional street performer is part of the cityscape: Do you stop and listen? Do you hurry past with a blend of guilt and irritation, aware of your cupidity but annoyed by the unbidden demand on your time and your wallet? Do you throw in a buck, just to be polite? Does your decision change if he's really bad? What if he's really good? Do you have time for beauty? Shouldn't you? What's the moral mathematics of the moment?" Read the article.... it's fascinating!

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